Source code for

CMF Microfinance

A dataset on microfinance from The Centre for Micro Finance (CMF) at the Institute for Financial Management Research
(Chennai, India).

See an example using this data at `causeinfer/examples/socioeconomic_cmf_micro

Description found at: (see paper)

Based on
    A. Banerjee et al. “The Miracle of Microfinance? Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation”. In: American Economic
    Journal: Applied Economics 7 (1 2015), pp. 22–53.

    download_cmf_micro (deprecated),

import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import get_download_paths  # download_file

# The dataset can be found within CauseInfer at:
# The distribution of the data is:

# def download_cmf_micro(
#     data_path=None,
#     url=''
# ):
#     """
#     ! download_cmf_micro is deprecated as the dataset now requires an account to download
#     Downloads the dataset from the American Economic Association's website.

#     Parameters
#     ----------
#         data_path : str : optional (default=None)
#             A user specified path for where the data should go.

#         url : str
#             The url from which the data is to be downloaded.

#     Returns
#     -------
#         A folder with the data in a 'datasets' folder, unless otherwise specified.
#     """
#     directory_path, dataset_path = get_download_paths(data_path,
#                                                       file_directory = 'datasets',
#                                                       file_name = ''
#                                                     )
#     if not os.path.isdir(directory_path):
#         os.makedirs(directory_path)
#         print('/{} has been created in your local directory'.format(directory_path.split('/')[-1]))

#     if not os.path.exists(dataset_path):
#         download_file(url = url, output_path = dataset_path, zip_file = True)
#     else:
#         print('The dataset already exists at {}'.format(dataset_path))

[docs]def _format_data(dataset_path, format_covariates=True, normalize=True): """ Formats the data upon loading for consistent data preparation. Source: (R-version) Parameters ---------- dataset_path : str The original file is a folder that has various .dta sets. format_covariates : bool : optional (default=True) - True: creates dummy columns and encodes the data. - False: only steps for data readability will be taken. normalize : bool : optional (default=True) Normalization step controlled in load_cmf_micro. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame A formated version of the data. """ # Read in Stata .dta data # Loads Endline1 and Endline2 data, but only formats Endline1 df = pd.read_stata(dataset_path + "/2013-0533_data_endlines1and2.dta") # Convert binary columns to numeric. yes_no_columns = [ col for col in df.columns if df[str(col)].isin(["Yes"]).any() or df[str(col)].isin(["No"]).any() ] df[yes_no_columns] = df[yes_no_columns].eq("Yes").mul(1) df["treatment"] = df["treatment"].eq("Treatment").mul(1) # Column types to numeric. df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric) # Rename columns. df = df.rename(columns={"areaid": "area_id"}) if format_covariates: # Derive columns for an initial segment based on study baselines. columns_to_keep = list( df.columns[:15] ) # initially select all variables before endline specific variables columns_to_keep.extend( [col for col in df.columns if col[-len("_1") :] == "_1"] ) # all variables relevant to Endline1 columns_to_keep = [ col for col in columns_to_keep if col not in [ "w", "w1", "w2", "sample1", "sample2", "visitday_1", "visitmonth_1", "visityear_1", ] ] # exclude survey variables columns_to_keep = [ col for col in columns_to_keep if col[: len("area_") + 1] != "area_" ] # exclude area-level variables columns_to_keep = [ col for col in columns_to_keep if col[-len("_mo_1") :] != "_mo_1" ] # exclude monthly & annual expenses variables (only keep the per capita version) columns_to_keep = [ col for col in columns_to_keep if col[-len("_annual_1") :] != "_annual_1" ] df = df[df.columns.intersection(columns_to_keep)] # Filling NaNs in any column from a redundant column that will be dropped. redundant_cols = [ ("old_biz", "any_old_biz"), ("total_biz_1", "any_biz_1"), ("newbiz_1", "any_new_biz_1"), ] for tup in redundant_cols: mask = list(df[df[tup[1]] == 0].index) mask.extend(list(df[df[tup[1]] == np.nan].index)) df.loc[mask, tup[0]] = 0 # Removing redundant variables. redundant_remove = [tup[1] for tup in redundant_cols] redundant_remove.extend( [ "hhsize_1", "anymfi_1", "anymfi_amt_1", "anyloan_1", "anyloan_amt_1", "hours_week_1", "hours_headspouse_week_1", "hours_child1620_week_1", "total_exp_mo_pc_1", ] ) for col in redundant_remove: del df[col] # Cleaning NaNs - replace, with all remaining NaN rows dropped. # First remove columns with more than 10% NaN values. nan_threshold = 0.1 df = df[df.columns[df.isnull().mean() < nan_threshold]] # Replace business variables with 0 if total_biz_1 is 0 or NaN. total_biz_mask = list(df[df["total_biz_1"] == 0].index) total_biz_mask.extend(list(df[df["total_biz_1"] == np.nan].index)) for column in [col for col in df.columns if col[: len("biz")] == "biz"]: df.loc[total_biz_mask, column] = 0 # Fill all non-index variables with their mean. for column in [col for col in df.columns if "index" not in col]: df[column].fillna(df[column].mean()) df = df.dropna() # Exclude those columns with outliers in the expense related variables. # Interquartile ranges are used, with 5*iqr times the quartiles being dropped. exp_col = [col for col in df.columns if "exp_mo_pc" in col] exp_col.extend(["informal_amt_1"]) for col in exp_col: q75, q25 = np.percentile(df[col], [75, 25]) iqr = q75 - q25 # pylint: disable=unused-variable. # Filtering for values between q25-5*iqr and q75+5*iqr. df = df.query("(@q25 - 5 * @iqr) <= {} <= (@q75 + 5 * @iqr)".format(col)) # Convert the unit of expense-related & loan-related variables from Rupees to USD. conv = 9.1768 for col in [ "spandana_amt_1", "othermfi_amt_1", "bank_amt_1", "informal_amt_1", "durables_exp_mo_pc_1", "nondurable_exp_mo_pc_1", "food_exp_mo_pc_1", "health_exp_mo_pc_1", "temptation_exp_mo_pc_1", "festival_exp_mo_pc_1", ]: df.loc[:, col] = df.loc[:, col].div(conv) # Create dummy columns. dummy_cols = ["area_id"] for col in dummy_cols: df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns=[col], prefix=col) # Normalize data for the user (exclude binaries, treatment, and responses). if normalize: non_normalization_fields = [ "treatment", "biz_index_all_1", "women_emp_index_1", "male_head_1", "head_noeduc_1", "anychild1318_1", "spouse_literate_1", "spouse_works_wage_1", "ownland_hyderabad_1", "ownland_village_1", "spandana_1", "othermfi_1", "anybank_1", "anyinformal_1", "everlate_1", ] non_normalization_fields += [ col for col in df.columns if col[: len("area_id_")] == "area_id_" ] df[df.columns.difference(non_normalization_fields)] = ( df[df.columns.difference(non_normalization_fields)] - df[df.columns.difference(non_normalization_fields)].mean() ) / df[df.columns.difference(non_normalization_fields)].std() # Drop household id. df.drop("hhid", axis=1, inplace=True) # Put treatment and response at the front and end of the df respectively. cols = list(df.columns) cols.insert(-1, cols.pop(cols.index("women_emp_index_1"))) cols.insert(-1, cols.pop(cols.index("biz_index_all_1"))) cols.insert(0, cols.pop(cols.index("treatment"))) df = df.loc[:, cols] return df
[docs]def load_cmf_micro( file_path=None, format_covariates=True, # download_if_missing=True, Deprecated: data requires an account to download now normalize=True, ): """ Loads the CMF micro dataset with formatting if desired. Parameters ---------- file_path : str : optional (default=None) Specify another path for the dataset. By default the dataset should be stored in the 'datasets' folder in the cwd. load_raw_data : bool : optional (default=True) Indicates whether raw data should be loaded without covariate manipulation. download_if_missing : bool : optional (default=True) (Deprecated) Download the dataset if it is not downloaded before using 'download_cmf_micro'. normalize : bool : optional (default=True) Normalize the dataset to prepare it for ML methods. Returns ------- data : dict object with the following attributes: data.description : str A description of the CMF microfinance data. data.dataset_full : numpy.ndarray : (5328, 183) or formatted (5328, 60) The full dataset with features, treatment, and target variables. data.dataset_full_names : list, size 61 List of dataset variables names. data.features : numpy.ndarray : (5328, 186) or formatted (5328, 57) Each row corresponding to the 58 feature values in order (note that other target can be a feature). data.feature_names : list, size 58 List of feature names. data.treatment : numpy.ndarray : (5328,) Each value corresponds to the treatment (1 = treat, 0 = control). data.response_biz_index : numpy.ndarray : (5328,) Each value corresponds to the business index of each of the participants. data.response_women_emp : numpy.ndarray : (5328,) Each value corresponds to the women's empowerment index of each of the participants. """ # Check that the dataset exists. ( directory_path, # pylint: disable=unused-variable dataset_path, ) = get_download_paths( file_path=file_path, file_directory="datasets", file_name="cmf_micro", ) # Fill above path if not. if not os.path.exists(dataset_path): # if download_if_missing: # download_cmf_micro(directory_path) # else: print( "The dataset does not exist. " "The dataset can be found within CauseInfer at: " "The distribution of the data is:" ) return # Load formated or raw data. if format_covariates: if normalize: df = _format_data(dataset_path, format_covariates=True, normalize=True) else: df = _format_data(dataset_path, format_covariates=True, normalize=False) else: if normalize: df = _format_data(dataset_path, format_covariates=False, normalize=True) else: df = _format_data(dataset_path, format_covariates=False, normalize=False) description = ( "The data comes from The Centre for Micro Finance (CMF) at the Institute for Financial Management Research (Chennai, India)" "The feature set can be used to derive the effects of microfinance on various post-treatment indexes." "Specifically we will focus on the post-treatment business and women's empowerment indexes." "The other target value can be added into the dataset as a feature." ) # Fields dropped to split the data for the user. drop_fields = ["biz_index_all_1", "women_emp_index_1", "treatment"] return { "description": description, "dataset_full": df.values, "dataset_full_names": np.array(df.columns), "features": df.drop(drop_fields, axis=1).values, "feature_names": np.array( list(filter(lambda x: x not in drop_fields, df.columns)) ), "treatment": df["treatment"].values, # The target that isn't of interest can also be used as a feature, but should be normalized. "response_biz_index": df["biz_index_all_1"].values, "response_women_emp": df["women_emp_index_1"].values, }