Source code for

Hillstrom Email Marketing

An email marketing dataset from Kevin Hillstrom's MineThatData blog.

See an example using this data at `causeinfer/examples/business_hillstrom

Description found at:

Based on
    Kuchumov, A. pyuplift: Lightweight uplift modeling framework for Python. (2019).

    K. Hillstrom. “The MineThatData E-Mail Analytics And Data Mining Challenge”. 2008. URL:


import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import download_file, get_download_paths

[docs]def download_hillstrom( data_path=None, url="", ): """ Downloads the dataset from Kevin Hillstrom's blog. Parameters ---------- data_path : str : optional (default=None) A user specified path for where the data should go. url : str The url from which the data is to be downloaded. Returns ------- The data 'hillstrom.csv' in a 'datasets' folder, unless otherwise specified. """ directory_path, dataset_path = get_download_paths( data_path, file_directory="datasets", file_name="hillstrom.csv" ) if not os.path.isdir(directory_path): os.makedirs(directory_path) print( "/{} has been created in your local directory".format( directory_path.split("/")[-1] ) ) if not os.path.exists(dataset_path): download_file(url=url, output_path=dataset_path, zip_file=False) else: print("The dataset already exists at {}".format(dataset_path))
[docs]def _format_data(df, format_covariates=True, normalize=True): """ Formats the data upon loading for consistent data preparation. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame The original unformatted version of the data. format_covariates : bool : optional (default=True), controlled in load_hillstrom - True: creates dummy columns and encodes the data. - False: only steps for data readability will be taken. normalize : bool : optional (default=True), controlled in load_hillstrom Normalize dataset columns to prepare them for ML methods. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame A formated version of the data. """ # Split away the history segment index within the values and other formatting. df["history_segment"] = df["history_segment"].apply(lambda s: s.split(") ")[1]) df["history_segment"] = df["history_segment"].astype(str) df["history_segment"] = [ i.replace("$", "").replace(",", "").replace("-", "_").replace(" ", "") for i in df["history_segment"] ] # Column types to numeric. df[ [ "recency", "history", "mens", "womens", "newbie", "conversion", "visit", "spend", ] ] = df[ [ "recency", "history", "mens", "womens", "newbie", "conversion", "visit", "spend", ] ].apply( pd.to_numeric ) # Rename columns. df = df.rename(columns={"segment": "treatment"}) if format_covariates: # Create dummy columns. dummy_cols = ["zip_code", "history_segment", "channel"] for col in dummy_cols: df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns=[col], prefix=col) # Encode the treatment column. treatment_encoder = {"No E-Mail": 0, "Mens E-Mail": 1, "Womens E-Mail": 2} df["treatment"] = df["treatment"].apply(lambda x: treatment_encoder[x]) if normalize: normalization_fields = ["recency", "history"] df[normalization_fields] = ( df[normalization_fields] - df[normalization_fields].mean() ) / df[normalization_fields].std() # Format column names. df.rename(columns=lambda x: x.lower(), inplace=True) # Put treatment and response at the front and end of the df respectively. cols = list(df.columns) cols.insert(-1, cols.pop(cols.index("spend"))) cols.insert(-1, cols.pop(cols.index("conversion"))) cols.insert(-1, cols.pop(cols.index("visit"))) cols.insert(0, cols.pop(cols.index("treatment"))) df = df.loc[:, cols] return df
[docs]def load_hillstrom( file_path=None, format_covariates=True, download_if_missing=True, normalize=True, ): """ Loads the Hillstrom dataset with formatting if desired. Parameters ---------- file_path : str : optional (default=None) Specify another path for the dataset. By default the dataset should be stored in the 'datasets' folder in the cwd. format_covariates : bool : optional (default=True) Indicates whether raw data should be loaded without covariate manipulation. download_if_missing : bool : optional (default=True) Download the dataset if it is not downloaded before using 'download_hillstrom'. normalize : bool : optional (default=True) Normalize dataset columns to prepare them for ML methods. Returns ------- data : dict object with the following attributes: data.description : str A description of the Hillstrom email marketing dataset. data.dataset_full : numpy.ndarray : (64000, 12) or formatted (64000, 22) The full dataset with features, treatment, and target variables. data.dataset_full_names : list, size 12 or formatted 22 List of dataset variables names. data.features : numpy.ndarray : (64000, 8) or formatted (64000, 18) Each row corresponding to the 8 feature values in order. data.feature_names : list, size 8 or formatted 18 List of feature names. data.treatment : numpy.ndarray : (64000,) Each value corresponds to the treatment. data.response_spend : numpy.ndarray : (64000,) Each value corresponds to how much customers spent during the two-week outcome period. data.response_visit : numpy.ndarray : (64000,) Each value corresponds to whether people visited the site during the two-week outcome period. data.response_conversion : numpy.ndarray : (64000,) Each value corresponds to whether they purchased at the site (i.e. converted) during the two-week outcome period. """ # Check that the dataset exists. directory_path, dataset_path = get_download_paths( file_path=file_path, file_directory="datasets", file_name="hillstrom.csv", ) # Fill above path if not. if not os.path.exists(dataset_path): if download_if_missing: download_hillstrom(directory_path) else: raise FileNotFoundError( "The dataset does not exist." "Use the 'download_hillstrom' function to download the dataset." ) # Read the data. df = pd.read_csv(dataset_path) # Load formated or raw data. if format_covariates: if normalize: df = _format_data(df, format_covariates=True, normalize=True) else: df = _format_data(df, format_covariates=True, normalize=False) else: if normalize: df = _format_data(df, format_covariates=False, normalize=True) else: df = _format_data(df, format_covariates=False, normalize=False) description = ( "The Hillstrom dataset contains 64,000 customers who purchased within twelve months." "The customers were involved in an e-mail marketing test." "1/3 were randomly chosen to receive an e-mail campaign featuring Mens merchandise." "1/3 were randomly chosen to receive an e-mail campaign featuring Womens merchandise." "1/3 were randomly chosen to not receive an e-mail campaign." "During a period of two weeks following the e-mail campaign, results were tracked." "Targeting for causal inference can be derived using visit, conversion, or total spent." ) # Fields dropped to split the data for the user. drop_fields = ["spend", "visit", "conversion", "treatment"] return { "description": description, "dataset_full": df.values, "dataset_full_names": np.array(df.columns), "features": df.drop(drop_fields, axis=1).values, "feature_names": np.array( list(filter(lambda x: x not in drop_fields, df.columns)) ), "treatment": df["treatment"].values, "response_spend": df["spend"].values, "response_visit": df["visit"].values, "response_conversion": df["conversion"].values, }