Source code for

Mayo Clinic PBC

A dataset on medical trials to combat primary biliary cholangitis (PBC, formerly cirrhosis) of the liver from the Mayo

See an example using this data at `causeinfer/examples/medical_mayo_pbc

Description found at:

Based on
    Mayo Clinic. “Primary Biliary Cirrhosis”. 1991. URL:


import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import download_file, get_download_paths

[docs]def download_mayo_pbc( data_path=None, url="" ): """ Downloads the dataset from the Mayo Clinic's research documents. Parameters ---------- data_path : str : optional (default=None) A user specified path for where the data should go. url : str The url from which the data is to be downloaded. Returns ------- The text file 'mayo_pbc' in a 'datasets' folder, unless otherwise specified. """ directory_path, dataset_path = get_download_paths( data_path, file_directory="datasets", file_name="mayo_pbc.text" ) if not os.path.isdir(directory_path): os.makedirs(directory_path) print( "/{} has been created in your local directory".format( directory_path.split("/")[-1] ) ) if not os.path.exists(dataset_path): download_file(url=url, output_path=dataset_path, zip_file=False) else: print("The dataset already exists at {}".format(dataset_path))
[docs]def _format_data(dataset_path, format_covariates=True, normalize=True): """ Formats the data upon loading for consistent data preparation. Parameters ---------- dataset_path : str The original file is a text file with inconsistent spacing, and periods for NaNs. Furthermore, process only loads those units that took part in the randomized trial, as there are 106 cases that were monitored, but not in the trial. format_covariates : bool : optional (default=True) - True: creates dummy columns and encodes the data. - False: only steps for data readability will be taken. normalize : bool : optional (default=True) Normalization step controlled in load_mayo_pbc. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame A formated version of the data. """ # Read in the text file. with open(dataset_path, "r") as file: data = # The following converts the text file into a list of lists. # The three iterations account for initial spaces for single, double, # and triple digit numbers. data_list_of_lists = [ data[i][2:] .replace(" ", ",") .replace(" ", ",") .replace(" ", ",") .replace(" ", ",") .split(",")[1:] for i in range(10) ] data_list_of_lists.extend( [ data[i][1:] .replace(" ", ",") .replace(" ", ",") .replace(" ", ",") .replace(" ", ",") .split(",")[1:] for i in list(range(99))[10:] ] ) data_list_of_lists.extend( [ data[i] .replace(" ", ",") .replace(" ", ",") .replace(" ", ",") .replace(" ", ",") .split(",")[1:] for i in list(range(312))[99:] ] ) df = pd.DataFrame(data_list_of_lists) col_names = [ "days_since_register", "status", "treatment", "age", "sex", "ascites", "hepatomegaly", "spiders", "edema", "bilirubin", "cholesterol", "albumin", "copper", "alkaline", "sgot", "triglicerides", "platelets", "prothrombin", "histologic_stage", ] df.columns = col_names # Filling NaNs with column averages (they occur in cholesterol, copper, # triglicerides and platelets). df = df.replace(".", np.nan) df = df.astype(float) df.fillna(df.mean(), inplace=True) # Column types to numeric. df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric) if format_covariates: # Create dummy columns for edema and histologic_stage. dummy_cols = ["edema", "histologic_stage"] for col in dummy_cols: df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns=[col], prefix=col) # Cleaning edema and histologic_stage column names. df = df.rename( columns={ "edema_0.0": "no_edema_no_diuretics", "edema_0.5": "yes_edema_no_diuretics", "edema_1.0": "yes_edema_yes_diuretics", } ) df.rename( columns=lambda x: x.split(".")[0] if x[: len("histologic_stage")] == "histologic_stage" else x, inplace=True, ) # Replace control from 2 to 0. df.loc[df["treatment"] == 2, "treatment"] = 0 if normalize: normalization_fields = [ "days_since_register", "age", "bilirubin", "cholesterol", "albumin", "copper", "alkaline", "sgot", "triglicerides", "platelets", "prothrombin", ] df[normalization_fields] = ( df[normalization_fields] - df[normalization_fields].mean() ) / df[normalization_fields].std() # Put treatment and response at the front and end of the df respectively. cols = list(df.columns) cols.insert(-1, cols.pop(cols.index("status"))) cols.insert(0, cols.pop(cols.index("treatment"))) df = df.loc[:, cols] return df
[docs]def load_mayo_pbc( file_path=None, format_covariates=True, download_if_missing=True, normalize=True, ): """ Loads the Mayo PBC dataset with formatting if desired. Parameters ---------- file_path : str : optional (default=None) Specify another path for the dataset. By default the dataset should be stored in the 'datasets' folder in the cwd. format_covariates : bool : optional (default=True) Indicates whether raw data should be loaded without covariate manipulation. download_if_missing : bool : optional (default=True) Download the dataset if it is not downloaded before using 'download_mayo_pbc'. normalize : bool : optional (default=True) Normalize the dataset to prepare it for ML methods. Returns ------- data : dict object with the following attributes: data.description : str A description of the Mayo Clinic PBC dataset. data.dataset_full : numpy.ndarray : 312, 19) or formatted (312, 24) The full dataset with features, treatment, and target variables. data.dataset_full_names : list, size 19 or formatted 24 List of dataset variables names. data.features : numpy.ndarray : (312, 17) or formatted (312, 22) Each row corresponding to the 17 feature values in order. data.feature_names : list, size 17 or formatted 22 List of feature names. data.treatment : numpy.ndarray : (312,) Each value corresponds to the treatment (1 = treat, 0 = control). data.response : numpy.ndarray : (312,) Each value corresponds to one of the outcomes (0 = alive, 1 = liver transplant, 2 = dead). """ # Check that the dataset exists. directory_path, dataset_path = get_download_paths( file_path=file_path, file_directory="datasets", file_name="mayo_pbc.text", ) # Fill above path if not. if not os.path.exists(dataset_path): if download_if_missing: download_mayo_pbc(directory_path) else: raise FileNotFoundError( "The dataset does not exist." "Use the 'download_mayo_pbc' function to download the dataset." ) # Load formated or raw data. if format_covariates: if normalize: df = _format_data(dataset_path, format_covariates=True, normalize=True) else: df = _format_data(dataset_path, format_covariates=True, normalize=False) else: if normalize: df = _format_data(dataset_path, format_covariates=False, normalize=True) else: df = _format_data(dataset_path, format_covariates=False, normalize=False) description = ( "The data is from the Mayo Clinic trial in primary biliary cholangitis (PBC, formerly cirrhosis) of the liver conducted between 1974 and 1984." "A total of 424 PBC patients, referred to Mayo Clinic during that ten-year interval, met eligibility criteria for the randomized placebo controlled trial of the drug D-penicillamine." "The first 312 cases in the data set participated in the randomized trial and contain largely complete data." "For modeling purposes, alive (target=0) will be modelled against a resulting transplant (1) and death (2)." ) # Fields dropped to split the data for the user. drop_fields = ["status", "treatment"] return { "description": description, "dataset_full": df.values, "dataset_full_names": np.array(df.columns), "features": df.drop(drop_fields, axis=1).values, "feature_names": np.array( list(filter(lambda x: x not in drop_fields, df.columns)) ), "treatment": df["treatment"].values, "response": df["status"].values, }