Source code for causeinfer.utils


Utility functions for data manipulation and processing.


import random

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

[docs]def train_test_split( X, y, w, percent_train=0.7, random_state=None, maintain_proportions=False ): """ Split unit X covariates and (y,w) outcome tuples into training and testing sets. Parameters ---------- X : numpy.ndarray : (n_samples, n_features) Matrix of unit covariate features. y : numpy.ndarray : (n_samples,) Array of unit responses. w : numpy.ndarray : (n_samples,) Array of unit treatments. percent_train : float The percent of the covariates and outcomes to delegate to model training. random_state : int (default=None) A seed for the random number generator for consistency. maintain_proportions : bool : optional (default=False) Whether to maintain the treatment group proportions within the split samples. Returns ------- X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, w_train, w_test : numpy.ndarray Arrays of split covariates and outcomes. """ if not (0 < percent_train < 1): raise ValueError("Train share should be float between 0 and 1.") if not len(X) == len(y) == len(w): raise ValueError("Lengths of covariates and outcomes not equal.") random.seed(random_state) if maintain_proportions: w_proportions = np.array(np.unique(w, return_counts=True)).T treatment_1_size = w_proportions[0][1] treatment_2_size = w_proportions[1][1] # Sort treatment indexes and then subset split them into lists of indexes for each. sorted_indexes = np.argsort(w) treatment_1_indexes = sorted_indexes[: int(treatment_1_size)] treatment_2_indexes = sorted_indexes[int(treatment_1_size) :] # Number to select from each treatment sample. N_train_t1 = int(percent_train * treatment_1_size) N_train_t2 = int(percent_train * treatment_2_size) train_index_t1 = random.sample([i for i in treatment_1_indexes], N_train_t1) train_index_t2 = random.sample([i for i in treatment_2_indexes], N_train_t2) test_index_t1 = [i for i in treatment_1_indexes if i not in train_index_t1] test_index_t2 = [i for i in treatment_2_indexes if i not in train_index_t2] # Indexes for each of the train-test samples, and shuffle them. train_indexes = train_index_t1 + train_index_t2 test_indexes = test_index_t1 + test_index_t2 random.shuffle(train_indexes) random.shuffle(test_indexes) else: N = len(X) N_train = int(percent_train * N) train_indexes = random.sample([i for i in range(N)], N_train) test_indexes = [i for i in range(N) if i not in train_indexes] X_train = X[train_indexes, :] X_test = X[test_indexes, :] y_train = y[train_indexes] y_test = y[test_indexes] w_train = w[train_indexes] w_test = w[test_indexes] return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, w_train, w_test
[docs]def plot_unit_distributions( df, variable, treatment=None, bins=None, axis=None, ): """ Plots seaborn countplots of unit covariate and outcome distributions. Parameters ---------- df_plot : pandas df, [n_samples, n_features] The data from which the plot is made. variable : str A unit covariate or outcome for which the plot is desired. treatment : str : optional (default=None) The treatment variable for comparing across segments. bins : int (default=None) Bins the column values such that larger distributions can be plotted. axis : str : optional (default=None) Adds an axis to the plot so they can be combined. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes Displays a seaborn plot of unit distributions across the given covariate or outcome value. """ import re def _int_or_text(char): return int(char) if char.isdigit() else char def _alphanumeric_sort(text): """ Added so the columns are correctly ordered. """ return [_int_or_text(char) for char in re.split(r"(\d+)", text)] def _float_range(start, stop, step): i = start while i < stop: yield i i += step # Set different colors for treatment plots. if treatment: color_palette = "Set2" else: color_palette = "Set1" # Bin if requested and possible. if bins: if df[str(variable)].dtype != int or float: try: df[str(variable)] = df[str(variable)].astype(float) except: print( "The data type for the column can't be binned. The values of the column will be used as is." ) bins = False if bins: bin_segments = list( _float_range( df[str(variable)].min(), df[str(variable)].max(), (df[str(variable)].max() - df[str(variable)].min()) / bins, ) ) # So plotting bounds are clean. bin_segments = [int(i) for i in bin_segments[0:-2]] + [ int(bin_segments[-1]) + 1 ] # Bin the variable column based on the above defined list of segments. df["binned_variable"] = pd.cut(df[str(variable)], bin_segments) order = list(df["binned_variable"].value_counts().index) order.sort() ax = sns.countplot( data=df, x="binned_variable", hue=treatment, order=order, ax=axis, palette=color_palette, ) df.drop("binned_variable", axis=1, inplace=True) else: order = list(df[str(variable)].value_counts().index) try: order = [float(i) for i in order] order.sort(key=int) except: order.sort(key=_alphanumeric_sort) ax = sns.countplot( data=df, x=variable, hue=treatment, order=order, ax=axis, palette=color_palette, ) return ax
[docs]def over_sample(X_1, y_1, w_1, sample_2_size, shuffle=True, random_state=None): """ Over-samples to provide equality between a given sample and another it is smaller than. Parameters ---------- X_1 : numpy.ndarray : (num_sample1_units, num_sample1_features) Dataframe of sample covariates. y_1 : numpy.ndarray : (num_sample1_units,) Vector of sample unit responses. w_1 : numpy.ndarray : (num_sample1_units,) Designates the original treatment allocation across sample units. sample_2_size : int The size of the other sample to match. shuffle : bool : optional (default=True) Whether to shuffle the new sample after it's created. random_state : int (default=None) A seed for the random number generator to allow for consistency. Returns ------- The provided covariates and outcomes, having been over-sampled to match another. - X_os : numpy.ndarray : (num_sample2_units, num_sample2_features). - y_os : numpy.ndarray : (num_sample2_units,). - w_os : numpy.ndarray : (num_sample2_units,). """ if len(X_1) >= sample_2_size: raise ValueError( "The sample trying to be over-sampled is the same size or greater than what it should be matched with. " "Check sample sizes, and specifically that they haven't been switched on accident." ) if len(X_1) != len(y_1) != len(w_1): raise ValueError( "The length of the covariates, responses, and treatments don't match." ) random.seed(random_state) new_samples_needed = sample_2_size - len(X_1) sample_indexes = list(range(len(X_1))) os_indexes = np.random.choice(sample_indexes, size=new_samples_needed, replace=True) new_sample_indexes = sample_indexes + list(os_indexes) if shuffle: random.shuffle(new_sample_indexes) X_os = X_1[new_sample_indexes] y_os = y_1[new_sample_indexes] w_os = w_1[new_sample_indexes] print( """ Old Covariates shape : {} Old responses shape : {} Old treatments shape : {} New covariates shape : {} New responses shape : {} New treatments shape : {} Matched sample length : {} """.format( X_1.shape, y_1.shape, w_1.shape, X_os.shape, y_os.shape, w_os.shape, sample_2_size, ) ) return X_os, y_os, w_os
def multi_cross_tab(df, w_col, y_cols, label_limit=3, margins=True, normalize=True): """ Multi response column cross tabulations. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame [n_samples, n_features] Dataframe with treatment and discrete response values. w_col : str The name of the treatment column. y_cols : list A list of discrete valued responses. label_limit : int (default=3) The limit from the response names to use in column naming. margins : bool : optional (default=True) Include cross tabulation summations across columns and rows. normalize : bool : optional (default=True) Whether provide normalized or aggregate values in cross tabulation. Returns ------- cross_tab : pandas.DataFrame A cross tabulation of responses provided against treatment. """ y_to_concat = [] for y in y_cols: # Cross tabulate over the given response. cross_tab_y = pd.crosstab( df[w_col], df[y], margins=margins, normalize=normalize ) # Rename for column distinction. if label_limit >= 0: cross_tab_y.columns = [ "{}_{}".format(str(y)[: int(label_limit)], col) for col in cross_tab_y.columns ] else: cross_tab_y.columns = [ "{}_{}".format(str(y)[int(label_limit) :], col) for col in cross_tab_y.columns ] y_to_concat.append(cross_tab_y) cross_tab = pd.concat(y_to_concat, axis=1) # Remove repeat of margins column. if margins: all_columns = [col for col in cross_tab.columns if "All" in col] all_col = cross_tab[all_columns[0]] cross_tab["All"] = all_col for col in all_columns: del cross_tab[col] return cross_tab