
Iterations methods allow a researcher or practitioner to derive average model accuracy.


causeinfer.evaluation.iterate_model(model, X_train, y_train, w_train, X_test, y_test, w_test, tau_test=None, n=10, pred_type='predict', eval_type=None, normalize_eval=False, verbose=True)[source]

Trains and makes predictions with a model multiple times to derive average predictions and their variance.


A model over which iterations will be done.

X_trainnumpy.ndarray(num_train_units, num_features)int, float

Matrix of covariates.

y_trainnumpy.ndarray(num_train_units,)int, float

Vector of unit responses.

w_trainnumpy.ndarray(num_train_units,)int, float

Vector of original treatment allocations across units.

X_testnumpy.ndarray(num_test_units, num_features)int, float

A matrix of covariates.

y_testnumpy.ndarray(num_test_units,)int, float

A vector of unit responses.

w_testnumpy.ndarray(num_test_units,)int, float

A vector of original treatment allocations across units.

tau_testnumpy.ndarray(num_test_units,)int, float

A vector of the actual treatment effects given simulated data.

nint (default=10)

The number of train and prediction iterations to run.

pred_typestr (default=pred)

predict or predict_proba: the type of prediction the iterations will make.

eval_typestr (default=None)

qini or auuc: the type of evaluation to be done on the predictions.

Note: if None, model predictions will be averaged without their variance being calculated.

normalize_evalbooloptional (default=False)

Whether to normalize the evaluation metric.

verbosebool (default=True)

Whether to show a tqdm progress bar for the query.

avg_preds_probasnumpy.ndarray (num_units, 2)float

Averaged per unit predictions.


A dictionary of all predictions produced during iterations.


The average of the iterated model evaluations.


The variance of all prediction evaluations.


The variance of all prediction evaluations.


A dictionary of all evaluations produced during iterations.

causeinfer.evaluation.eval_table(eval_dict, variances=False, annotate_vars=False)[source]

Displays the evaluation of models given a dictionary of their evaluations over datasets.


A dictionary of model evaluations over datasets.

variancesbool (default=False)

Whether to annotate the evaluations with their variances.

annotate_varsbool (default=False)

Whether to annotate the evaluation variances with stars given their sds.

eval_tablepandas.DataFrame(num_datasets, num_models)

A dataframe of dataset to model evaluation comparisons.